
In a world of misinformation and lies, it is important to know the best media to follow so that we do not fall into the traps laid down by the ruling class. Both liberal and conservative networks partake in propaganda, deceit, and the manufacturing of our consent to stoke fear, hatred, and national anxiety. During the Iraq and Afghanistan War, major media companies were able to convince Americans that bombing children in the Middle East was justified if it meant we could end terrorism. We cannot allow “yellow journalism” to taint our society or poison our minds. We have curated this page to give visibility to trusted organizations, news networks, and journalists.

Political Organizations to Follow!

Language Learning

Online Safety

Community Service

Journalists to Follow!

  • Motaz Azaiza (Palestinian Journalist in Gaza)

  • Bisan Owda (Palestinian Journalist in Gaza)

  • Sarah (Independent Journalist)

  • Katie Smith (Independent Journalist in NYC)

  • Imani Barbarin (Disability Blogger and Content Creator)

Leftist Bookstores and Publishers:

Public Health and Safety

Abolition Resources

“All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake "public opinion" for the benefit of the bourgeoisie.”

-Vladimir Lenin, evolution!: Sayings of Vladimir Lenin